The article examines the episodes about the posthumous miracles of St. Peter which were included in various Old Russian annalistic collections in the form of separate records dedicated to the veneration and praise of the Moscow Metropolitan Peter as a great saint of God, a particularly revered heavenly patron of Moscow. This article examines the most significant stories about the posthumous miracles of the Moscow Metropolitan Peter in the chronicles of 15th–16th centuries (Simeonovskaya, Sofia second, Voskresenskaya, Nikonovskaya, Pskov chronicles, Moscow annalistic collection of the end of 15th century), analyzed the functions and stylistic features of these stories. The varieties of the posthumous miracles of St. Peter presented in the chronicles of the 15th–16th centuries can be divided into miracles of healing, miracles of helping children (“children’s” miracles), miracles of protecting cities and helping in battles, gratitude to the saint in victory over the enemy, miraculous phenomenon of the saint and his relics and miracles about salvation from disease. The main characteristics of posthumous miracles are their concreteness and narrative plot. The main feature of the image in the considered posthumous miracles can be considered the desire of the chroniclers to idealize the protagonist, as well as the simplicity of presentation, the abundance of everyday and specific details and information. Information about the posthumous miracles of the Moscow Metropolitan Peter, used in the annalistic monuments, helped to create a historical background for the described events and current historical characters, and also reinforced the fact of the saint’s holiness. The considered episodes from the chronicles contain factual details and information concerning the personality of St. Peter the Wonderworker, who is considered the heavenly patron of Moscow.
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