Manuscript Requirements

Agreement with the Author

Copyright Notice



Manuscript Requirements

Formatting and style guide

  • The edition accepts articles that have not been previously published or submitted to other editions and that are formatted in accordance with the serial scientific edition’s rules.
  • The author submits all materials (the manuscript, additional fonts if used in the text, the contract [1]) by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Archival materials should be accompanied by an introductory article in accordance with the rules below
  • The text should be printed in Microsoft Word, A4 format, margins — 2 cm on all sides, font — Times New Roman, size — 14, line spacing — 1.5, paragraph indentation — 1.25, orientation — portrait, no hyphenation; justified alignment.
  • The first page should contain the following information in Russian:
  • Type of publication (in Russian and English), size — 12 (see Appendix 1);
  • UDK (see, for example, Appendix 2), size — 12;
  • initials and surname of the author — for example, И.И. Иванов
  • Title of the article — in capital letters, without using CapsLock, size — 14;
  • Information about financial support for the work (grant, etc.). Size — 12, justified alignment.
  • Abstract (150–200 words; the abstract should be a summary of the article in compliance with the sequence of the article, for further details see Requirements for the Abstract section)
  • Keywords in Russian, size — 12;


On the second page, please provide the same information in English:


  • Initials and surname of the author — for example, Ivan I. Ivanov
  • Title of the article — centered in capital letters, without using CapsLock, size — 14,
  • Acknowledgements, size — 12;
  • Abstract, size — 12;
  • Keywords, size — 12.
  • Insert automatic footnotes. The footnote number comes at the end of the sentence before the period. Footnote font: Times New Roman, size — 12.
  • Abbreviations (sic.! This only applies to texts in the Russian language). At the first mention of a person, give her name and patronymic (if applicable); the name and patronymic must be separated from the surname with the space. Use numbers only for years (“the 30s,” not “the thirties”). Specific year/years is/are abbreviated as “g” or “gg” accordingly: 1920 g., 1920–1922 gg. Use abbreviations “v” or “vv” to indicate centuries, instead of the word “century”: (use Roman numerals only, for example, "IX v."). Other permitted abbreviations include: t.d., t.p., dr,, t.e., sm., “tak kak” (because) and “tak nazivaemie” (so-called) are not abbreviated
  • Throughout the text, apply (sic.! This only applies to texts in the Russian language):
  • Quotation marks of the following type « »; for the internal quotes and fragments of texts in Latin, quotation marks of the following type: “ ”: «“one”, two, three, “four”».
  • Em dash (—), except for the cases of interdigit dashes, for example, between pages numbers in the footnotes (P. 18–20), between years (1920–1930).
  • At the end of the article, add a list of references:
  • The list is divided into “Studies” and “Sourcesˮ (first in Cyrillic, then in Latin in each section); the numbering in the two lists is continuous.
  • The list is organized in alphabetical order in accordance with GOST 7.0.5.-2008 in the form of a numbered list.
  • Volumes of the multivolume collected works and multivolume dictionaries are not included; give only general bibliographic description is given about such editions and include the numbers of cited volumes in the body of the text, for example: [6, v. 12], [6, v. 12, p. 108].
  • When referencing a book-length publication, it is mandatory to include the publisher and the total number of pages.
  • Names and initials in Cyrillic are in italics.
  • References should be included in the body of the text: [1], [2, p. 5], [3, p. 34; 5, p. 2], [7, col. 23], [10, l. 6].
  • References to archival materials included in the footnotes or in the body of the text are formatted in accordance with GOST 7.0.5.-2008.


  • Then there is References - a list of studies in transliteration in English

Use MLA system for the section entitled “References”:

  • Only references in Cyrillic must be transliterated; references in Latin, e.g. French, German, Italian, Polish etc. are not transliterated or translated.
  • To complete the transliteration, visit the website and select a variant of the Library of Congress (LC) Library.
  • Insert the bibliography in the Russian language in the specially assigned field and press the “in translitˮ button.
  • Copy and paste the transliterated text into the References list.

Copyedit the list you get and add an English translation:

  • Include authors’ full names in the references to foreign sources in Latin; when referencing the sources in Cyrillic, you may only use initials.
  • Initials and names must be separated from the surname with a comma.
  • Translate the titles of monographs, journal articles, chapters from edited collections, etc. and insert translations in square brackets after the respective transliterated titles (sic.: journal titles are transliterated not translated!).
  • Every meaningful word in the title in English must be capitalized. Articles, prepositions, conjunctions must be lowercase.
  • The titles of journal articles, chapters from edited collections of articles and monograph chapters must be in quotation marks (“…”) (this applies to both transliteration and translation).
  • Change the sign // to period.
  • Change the sign / to comma.
  • Change № to no., Т. — to Vol.


Sic:  Journal numbers should come before the publication year.

Volumes, numbers, issues should come before the publisher, for example:

Letopis’ zhizni i tvorchestva I.A. Bunina [The Chronicle of Ivan Bunin’s Life and Works], comp. S.N. Morozov, vol. 2 (1910–1919). Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2017. 1184 p. (In Russ.)

  • Translate the venue of publication (for example, М. — Moscow; СПб. — St. Petersburg).
  • Change column after the publisher to comma.
  • Add Publ. after the transliteration of the publisher. (for example, Nauka Publ.).
  • Change page number markers: instead of 235 s. — 235 p., instead of S. 45–47 — pp. 45–47.
  • Italicize the title of the monograph, journal, edited collection etc. (this applies to both transliteration and/or translation; authors’ names are not italicized).
  • Indicate the original language of the source at the end of the reference, in brackets: (In Russ.)
  • Include DOI if applicable.

Samples of bibliographic references in the Works Cited and References:


Богомолов Н.А. Русская литература начала ХХ века и оккультизм. М.: Новое литературное обозрение, 1999. 560 с.

Bogomolov, N.A. Russkaia literatura nachala XX veka i okkul'tizm [Russian Literature of the Beginning of 20th Century and the Occultism]. Moscow, Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie Publ., 1999. 560 p. (In Russ.)

Journal article

Карпушкина Л.А. Шекспировские мотивы сорокового опуса. Иронический подтекст в пьесе «Бесприданница» // Вопросы литературы. 2016. № 2.           C. 157–170.

Karpushkina, L.A. “Shekspirovskie motivy sorokovogo opusa. Ironicheskii podtekst v p'ese ʽBespridannitsa’.” [“Shakespearean Motifs in the Fortieth Opus. Ironic Subtext in the Play Without a Dowry”]. Voprosy literatury, no. 2, 2016, pp. 157–170. (In Russ.)

Chapter from the edited collection:

Орлицкий Ю.Б. «Шекспировская» прозиметрия в русской драматургии XIX века // Шекспировские чтения 2004: сб. статей. М.: Наука, 2006. С. 275–293.

Orlitskii, Iu.B. “ʽShekspirovskaia’ prozimetriia v russkoi dramaturgii XIX veka” [“Shakespearean prosimetry in Russian drama of the 19th century”]. Shekspirovskie chteniia 2004: sb. statei [Shakespeare Readings 2004: Collection of Articles]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 2006, pp. 275–293. (In Russ.)

Samples of Works Cited and References

Works Cited (Spisok literature)


  • Ерусалимский К.Ю. «Грамоту писал невежливо»: Книжное творчество и безумие в России XVI–XVII вв. // Новое литературное обозрение. 2017. № 4 (146). С. 123–143.
  • Ерусалимский К.Ю. Сборник Курбского. М.: Знак, 2009. Т. I. 881 с.
  • Каравашкин А.В. Литературный обычай Древней Руси (XI–XVII вв.). Изд. 2-е, доп. М.; СПб.: Центр гуманитарных инициатив, 2018. 720 с.
  • Панченко А.М. О русской истории и культуре. СПб.: Азбука, 2000. 464 с.
  • Сергеев В.М. Структура текста и анализ аргументации первого послания Курбского // Методика по изучению источников по истории русской общественной мысли периода феодализма. М.: Ин-т истории СССР АН СССР, 1989. С. 118–130.


  • Переписка Ивана Грозного с Андреем Курбским / текст подгот. Я.С. Лурье и Ю.Д. Рыков. Л.: Наука, 1979. 432 с.



  • Erusalimskii, K.Iu. “ʽGramotu pisal nevezhlivo’: Knizhnoe tvorchestvo i bezumie v Rossii XVI–XVII vv.” [“ʽWrote Literature Impolitely’: Book Writing and Madness in Russia of the 16th–17th Centuriesˮ]. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, no. 4 (146), 2017, pp. 123–143. (In Russ.)
  • Erusalimskii, K.Iu. Sbornik Kurbskogo [Collection of Kurbsky]. Vol. I. Moscow, Znak Publ., 2009. 881 p. (In Russ.)
  • Karavashkin, A.V. Literaturnyi obychai Drevnei Rusi (XI–XVII vv.) [The Literary Custom of Ancient Russia (11th–17th Centuries)]. 2nd ed. Moscow, St. Petersburg, Centr gumanitarnyh iniciativ Publ., 2018. 720 р. (In Russ.)
  • Panchenko, A.M. O russkoi istorii i kul'ture [About Russian History and Culture]. St. Petersburg, Azbuka Publ., 2000. 464 р. (In Russ.)
  • Sergeev, V.M. “Struktura teksta i analiz argumentatsii pervogo poslaniia Kurbskogoˮ [“Text Structure and Analysis of the Argument of the First Message of Kurbskyˮ]. Metodika po izucheniiu istochnikov po istorii russkoi obshchestvennoi mysli perioda feodalizma [Methods for Studying Sources on the History of Russian Social Thought of the Feudal Period]. Moscow, Institut istorii SSSR AN SSSR Publ., 1989, pp. 118–130. (In Russ.)

After References, please provide information about the author in Russian and English. Sample:

Информация об авторе: Иван Иванович Иванов — доктор филологических наук, профессор, ведущий научный сотрудник, Институт мировой литературы им. А.М. Горького Российской академии наук, ул. Поварская, д. 25 а, 121069 г. Москва, Россия. ORCID ID: …

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Information about the author: Ivan I. Ivanov, DSc in Philology, Professor, Leading Research Fellow, А.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of Russian Academy of Sciences, Povarskaya 25 а, 121069 Moscow, Russia. ORCID ID: …

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Next is the section For citation and Copyright mark © (copyright). Sample:

Для цитирования: Иванов И.И. Название статьи // Герменевтика древнерусской литературы. Сборник ??? / Ин-т мировой литературы РАН; гл. ред. О.А. Туфанова. М.: ИМЛИ РАН, 2021. С. 00-00.

© 2021, И.И. Иванов       


For citation:  Ivanov, I.I. “Title of article”. Germenevtika drevnerusskoi literatury [Hermeneutics of Old Russian Literature]. Issue ??. Ed.-in-chief O.A. Tufanova. Moscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2021, pp. 00-00. (In Russian)

© 2021, Ivan I. Ivanov


[1] According to Part four of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Section VII "Rights to the results of intellectual activity and means of individualization"), articles submitted to the serial scientific edition Hermeneutics of Old Russian Literature must be accompanied by a license agreement on the transfer of non-exclusive copyrights to the Founder of the serial scientific edition Hermeneutics of Old Russian Literature.



Agreement with the Author (doc)

Licensed Agreement

for the right to use academic work

in the serial scientific edition Hermeneutics of Old Russian Literature,

the founder of which is

Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science

A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the

Russian Academy of Sciences

Moscow                                                                                             «_____»    ___________  2021

Authors (Co-authors)________________________________________________________________ ,

(name(s), surname(s))

hereinafter referred to, individually or jointly, as “the Author (Co-authors),” and A.M. Gorky Institute of World literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, hereinafter referred to as “the Publisher,” represented by the Director Vadim V. Polonsky, acting on the basis of the Charter, have concluded the present agreement as follows:

  1. As of the effective date of the Agreement, the Author grants the Publisher the exclusive license to use the academic work free of charge; the work is hereinafter referred as the Article created by the Author (Co-authors) for the duration of copyright under the applicable law of the Russian Federation; the Article entitled


(the title of the Article)

is approved and accepted for publication by the Editorial Board of the serial scientific edition Hermeneutics of Old Russian Literature to the extent provided in this Agreement, without retaining the Author (Co-authors) the right to issue similar licenses to other persons.

In accordance with the paragraph 2 of the article 1270 of the Civil Code of Russian Federation and this Agreement, the use of the Article means:

- reproduction of the Article or its separate parts in Russian in any material form, including paper and electronic media, in editions and/or databases of the Publisher and/or other persons at the discretion of the Publisher and/or Founder of the serial scientific edition;

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  1. The Author (Co-authors) guarantees that:

2.1. He/she (they) informed other co-authors about the terms of this Agreement and received the consent of all the Co-authors to the conclusion of this Agreement on the terms stipulated in the Agreement;

2.2. The Article is an original work submitted only to this serial scientific edition and the Author (Co-authors) have not published the Article in the volume of more than 50% earlier in other printed and/or electronic editions, except for the publication of the Preprint (manuscript) of the Article;

2.3. The Article contains all the links to the cited authors under the current copyright law and/or publications (materials), and the Author (Co-authors) have obtained all necessary permissions for the use of the results and facts as well as other borrowed materials that the Author (Co-Authors) have no copyright for;

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  1. The rights and obligations of the Author (Co-authors)

3.1. The Author (Co-authors) retain the copyright for the Article and grant the serial scientific edition the right of the first publication of the Article.

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3.2.1. To submit a manuscript in accordance with the Rules for authors published on the website of the serial scientific edition.

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- to amend in the body of the Article corrections suggested by reviewers and accepted by the Editorial Board of the serial scientific edition and/or, if necessary, to revise the Article at the request of the Publisher;

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3.3.1. To use print or electronic preprints of the unpublished manuscript having the form and contents as accepted by the Publisher for publication in the serial scientific edition. Such preprints may be posted as electronic files on the website of the Author (Co-authors) or on a secure external website of the employer of the Author (Co-authors) of the Article.

The Author (Co-authors) should: 1) include in the Preprint the following warning: “This is a Preprint of the Article accepted for publication in (the title of the serial scientific edition, (C), copyright (year). The owner of the copyright as specified in the serial scientific edition)”; 2) give an electronic link to the Publisher’s websites that have a URL

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  1. 4. The rights and obligations of the Publisher

4.1. The Publisher agrees:

4.1.1. To provide the peer-review of the Article, its scholarly, literary, artistic, and technical copy-editing, production of paper and electronic artwork, at his expense, reproduction of the serial scientific edition’s issue with the article of the Author in paper and electronic form and its distribution in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

4.1.2. To consolidate alterations made in the Article subject to the conditions of PP. 2.4 and 3.2 of this Agreement with the Author (Co-authors).

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  1. 5. The Publisher guarantees:

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  1. 7. Other terms of the Agreement

7.1. This Agreement shall enter into force in case and starting with the date of the decision on acceptance of the Article for publication by the Editorial Board and is valid for the period provided for in the paragraph 1 of this Agreement. If the Article is not accepted for publication or the Author (Co-authors) withdraw the manuscript from the serial scientific edition at the stage of the decision-making by the Editorial Board, this Agreement shall not enter into force (is no longer valid). If the Article is accepted for publication, the Publisher shall notify the Author by email.

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  • In accordance with article 428 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this Agreement is an adhesion contract (offer), the terms of which are determined by the Publisher and may be signed by the other party only by way of accession to this Agreement as a whole. The Author’s (Co-authors’) submission of the manuscript for publication in the Journal is considered to be the acceptance, e.g. consent of the Author (Co-authors) to publish the Article in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

Signatures of the Parties:


Author (Co-authors): name(s), surname(s)

Publisher: Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science, A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences



Director of IWL RAS Vadim V. Polonsky

Passport data

The address of the Editorial Department: Povarskaya 25а, 121069 Moscow, Russia

E-mail, telephone

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Copyright Notice

Authors who publish in the serial scientific edition Hermeneutics of Old Russian Literature agree to the following:

  1. Authors retain copyright of the work and provide the serial scientific edition  right of first publication of the work.
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  4. Authors retain the right to make photocopies or pass on the copy of the printed Article, either in its integrity or a part, to colleagues for personal or professional use, for the promotion of academic or scientific research or for informational purposes of the employer.
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  6. Authors retain the right to use individual figures or tables and text extracts from the Article for personal purposes of study or for the inclusion in other work (with a reference to its original publication in the serial scientific edition ), or for publication in electronic format in an internal (protected) computer network or external website of the Author (Co-authors) or his/her employer.
  7. Authors retain to the right to include the materials of the Article in education packs for the use in the classroom, for free distribution of the materials among the students of the Author (Co-authors) or save the materials in electronic format on a local server for the access by students as part of their educational course, as well as for internal training programs in the establishment of the employer.