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Author: V. V. Milkov
Information about the author:

Vladimir V. Milkov — DSc in Philosophy, Leading Researcher, Federal State Department Research Institution Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Goncharnaia St. 12/1, 109240 Moscow, Russia.

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DOI: 10.22455/978-5-9208-0610-9-167-284
Keywords: Old Russia, Explanatory Paleia, textual criticism, the history of existence, original concept of world, anthropology, interdisciplinary studies.
Date of publication: March 05, 2020

Abstract: The author analyzes a history of almost two-centuries studying the Explanatory Paleia, representing the genre of Christian exegesis. In the work he examines the history of the opening of the monument and summarizes the results of its textual research. Various points of view on origin, dating and history of Paleia’s existing are in detail characterized in the work. Much attention is paid to Paleia’s sources, the choice problem between representatives of different theological schools is considered in the article. The special section is devoted to apocryphal stories and identification of meanings of non-canonical components of the work. It is concluded that the results of the interdisciplinary study of the Explanatory Paleia by linguists, philologists and philosophers are the basis for the correct interpretation of the complex text, its religious and philosophical specifics, so as Paleia’s concept of cosmostructure. The contribution of representatives of different scientific disciplines to the reconstruction of the anthropological and cosmological complex of the Paleia is evaluated. Influence of the antique ideas on the interpretation of man and the construction of a three-level picture of the universe is shown. A lot of Paleia’s lists reflect the influence of its ideas on the public consciousness in Old Russia.


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66 Grishchenko A.I. Naimenovanie evreev v drevnerusskikh antiiudeiskikh sochineniiakh: k istorii ekspressivnosti etnonima zhidove [The name of the Jews in the ancient anti-Judaic writings: the history of the expressiveness of the ethnonym zhidove]. Nauchnye trudy po iudaike. Materialy XVIII Mezhdunarodnoi ezhegodnoi konferentsii po iudaike [Scientific works on Judaism. Proceedings of the 18th international annual conference on Judaism], ed. by V.V. Mochalova. Moscow, Sefer Publ., 2011, vol. 1, pp. 189–204. (In Russian)

67 Grishchenko A.I. O gebraizme mashliakh” “Messias” v Palee Tolkovoi [About hebraism maslany “Messias” in Explanatory Paleia]. Vestnik Literaturnogo instituta im. A.M. Gor’kogo [Bulletin of the Literary Institute named after A. M. Gorky]. Moscow, Iz-vo Literaturnogo instituta A.M. Gor’kogo Publ., 2012, no 1, pp. 15–21. (In Russian)

68 Grishchenko A.I. Ob ekspressivnosti etnonima zhidove v drevnerusskoi knizhnosti (na materiale Palei Tolkovoi) [About the expressiveness of the ethnonym zhudove in Old Russian literature (on the material of the Explanatory Paleia)] Slov’ians’kii zbirnik. Zb. nauk. prats’ [Slavic collection. Collection of scientific works]. Odesa, Odes’kii natsіonal’nii un-t іm. І.І. Mechnikova Publ., 2011, issues 14–15, pp. 94–102. (In Russian)

69 Grishchenko A.I. Slavianskie prikliucheniia grecheskogo Kegґata: O proiskhozhdenii nazvaniia drevnerusskoi “Knigi Kaaf ” [Slavic adventures of Greek Kaguta: On the origin of the name of the ancient “Book of Kohath”]. Slověne, 2012, vol. 1, no 2, pp. 95–100. (In Russian)

70 Gromov M.N. Filosofskoe znachenie “Tolkovoi Palei” [Philosophical significance of Explanatory Paleia]. «Paleia Tolkovaia» v kontekste drevnerusskoi kul’tury XI–XVII vv. Materialy Pervoi mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii [“Paley Explanatory” in the context of old culture of the 11th–17th centuries. Materials of the First international scientific conference], ed. by A.N. Uzhankov. Moscow, Soglasie Publ., 2014, pp. 9–14. (In Russian)

71 Gromov M.N., Mil’kov V.V. Ideinye techeniia drevnerusskoi mysli [Ideological currents of Old Russian thought]. St. Petersburg, Izd-vo RKhGU Publ., 2001. 960 p. (In Russian)

72 Gudzii N.K. Istoriia drevnei russkoi literatury [History of Old Russian literature]. Moscow, Prosveshchenie Publ., 1966. 542 p. (In Russian)

73 Demin A.S. Drevnerusskaia literaturnaia animalistika [Old Russian literary animals]. Drevnerusskaia literatura: Izobrazhenie prirody i cheloveka [Old Russian literature: the Image of nature and human], ed. by A.S. Demin. Moscow, Nasledie Pudl., 1995, pp. 89–126. (In Russian)

74 Ermolenko S.M. Apokrificheskoe skazanie “O lestvitse, iuzhe vide Iakov” v sostave Tolkovoi Palei: sistema ritoricheskikh priemov, zhanrovye kharakteristiki [The Apocryphal legend “On the ladder that Jacob beheld” in Explanatory Paleia: system of rhetorical devices, genre characteristics]. Vestnik Novosibirskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriia: istoriia, filologiia [Vestnik of Novosibirsk state University. Series: history, philology]. Novosibirsk, Novosibirskii gos. Universitet Publ., 2012. vol. 11, no 12, pp. 145–154. (In Russian)

75 Zhdanov I.N. Paleia [Paleia]. Sochineniia [Works]. St. Petersburg, 1904. Vol. 1. 871 p. (In Russian)

76 Zhdanov R.V. Kreshchenie Rusi i Nachal’naia letopis’ [The baptism of Rus and the Primary chronicle]. Istoricheskie zapiski, 1939, no 5, pp. 3–30. (In Russian)

77 Zabolotskii P. K voprosu ob inozemnykh pis’mennykh istochnikakh “nachal’noi letopisi” [To the question about foreign written sources of the “Primary Chronicle”]. Russkii filologicheskii vestnik [Russian philological vestnik]. Varshava, 1901, vol. XLV, no 1–2, pp. 4–19. (In Russian)

78 Zavadskaia S.V. Nabliudeniia nad terminologiei vetkhozavetnogo siuzheta o Moisee (po povodu sootnosheniia rannikh letopisnykh i paleinykh tekstov) [Observations on the terminology of the old Testament story about Moses (about the ratio of early chronicle and paleic texts)]. Vostochnaia Evropa v drevnosti i Srednevekov’e. Spornye problemy istorii. Chteniia pamiati V.T. Pashuto (Moskva, 12–14 apr. 1993 g.) [Eastern Europe in antiquity and the middle Ages. Controversial issues of history. Readings in memory of V.T. Pashuto (Moscow, 12–14 APR. 1993): Abstracts], ed. by A.P. Novosel’tsev. Moscow, In-t ros. Istorii Publ., 1993, pp. 28–31. (In Russian)

79 Istomin K.K. K voprosu o redaktsiiakh Tolkovoi palei [To the question of revisions of the Explanatory Paleia]. Izvestiia otdeleniia russkogo iazyka i slovesnosti, 1905, vol. 10, book 1, pp. 147–184. (In Russian)

80 Istomin K.K. K voprosu o redaktsiiakh Tolkovoi palei [To the question of revisions of the Explanatory Paleia]. Izvestiia otdeleniia russkogo iazyka i slovesnosti, 1906, vol. 11, book 1, pp. 337–374. (In Russian)

81 Istomin K.K. K voprosu o redaktsiiakh Tolkovoi palei palei [To the question of revisions of Explanatory Paleia]. Izvestiia otdeleniia russkogo iazyka i slovesnosti, 1909, vol. 13, book 4, pp. 290–343. (In Russian)

82 Istomin K.K. K voprosu o redaktsiiakh Tolkovoi palei palei [To the question of revisions of Explanatory Paleia]. Izvestiia otdeleniia russkogo iazyka i slovesnosti, 1913, vol. 18, book 1, pp. 87–172. (In Russian)

83 Istrin V.M. Vzaimootnoshenie polnoi i kratkoi Palei v predelakh teksta Palei Kolomenskoi. Obshchie vyvody. Tablitsy [The Relationship between full and brief Paley within the text Paley Kolomna. General conclusion. Table]. Izvestiia otdeleniia russkogo iazyka i slovesnosti, 1906, vol. 11, book 3, pp. 418–450. (In Russian)

84 Istrin V.M. Zamechaniia o sostave Tolkovoi Palei [Observations on the composition of Explanatory Paleia]. Izvestiia otdeleniia russkogo iazyka i slovesnosti, 1897, vol. 2, book 1, pp. 175–209. (In Russian)

85 Istrin V.M. Zamechanie o sostave Tolkovoi Palei. Glava IV: Kniga Kaaf Palei [Observations on the composition of Explanatory Paleia. Chapter 4: the Book Kohath]. Izvestiia otdeleniia russkogo iazyka i slovesnosti, 1897, vol 2, book 4, pp. 845–905. (In Russian)

86 Istrin V.M. Zamechaniia o sostave Tolkovoi Palei. Glavy V–XI: Zlataia Matitsa. Vizantiiskie prototipy Tolkovoi Palei [Observations on the composition of Explanatory Paleia. Chapters 5–11: Golden Matica. The Byzantine prototypes of Explanatory Paleia]. Izvestiia otdeleniia russkogo iazyka i slovesnosti, 1898, vol. 3, book 2, pp. 472–531. (In Russian)

87 Istrin V.M. Issledovaniia v oblasti drevnerusskoi literatury [Researches in the field of Old Russian literature]. St. Petersburg, Senat. tip. Publ., 1906. 257 p. (In Russian)

88 Istrin V.M. Osobyi vid Ellinskogo letopistsa iz sobraniia Tikhonravova [A special kind of Hellenic chronicler from the collection of Tikhonravov]. St. Petersburg, Tip. Imp. Akad. nauk Publ., 1912, pp. 3–27. (In Russian)

89 Istrin V.M. Redaktsii Tolkovoi Palei [The editions of Explanatory Paleia]. St. Petersburg, Tip. Imp. Akad. nauk Publ., 1907. 188 p. (In Russian)

90 Istrin V.M. Redaktsii Tolkovoi Palei. Vzaimootnosheniia polnoi i kratkoi Palei v predelakh teksta Palei Kolomenskoi [The editions of Explanatory Paleia. The relationship of the long and the short Paley within the text Paley Kolomna]. Izvestiia otdeleniia russkogo iazyka i slovesnosti, 1906, vol. 11, book 1, pp. 1–43. (In Russian)

91 Istrin V.M. Redaktsii Tolkovoi Palei. Opisanie polnoi i kratkoi Palei [The editions of Explanatory Paleia. Description of the full and the short Paley]. Izvestiia otdeleniia russkogo iazyka i slovesnosti, 1905, vol. 10, book 4, pp. 135–203. (In Russian)

92 Istrin V.M. Tolkovaia Paleia i antievreiskaia literature [Explanatory Paleia and anti-Jewish literature]. Ocherk istorii drevnerusskoi literatury domoskovskogo perioda (11–13 vv.) [Essay on the history of Old Russian literature before Moscow period (11th–13th centuries)]. Petrograd, Nauka i shkola Publ., 1922, pp. 213–224. (In Russian)

93 Istrin V.M. Tolkovaia Paleia i Khronika Georgiia Amartola [Explanatory Paleia and the Chronicle of George Hamartolos]. Izvestiia otdeleniia russkogo iazyka i slovesnosti, 1924, vol. 29, pp. 369–379. (In Russian)

94 Istrin V.M. Khronika Georgiia Amartola v slaviano-russkom perevode i sviazannye s neiu pamiatniki [The chronicle of George Hamartolos in Slavic Russian translation and related monuments]. Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniia, 1917, no 59, May, pp. 1–35. (In Russian)

95 Istrin V.M. Khronograficheskaia chast’ polnoi i kratkoi Palei i “Khronograf po velikomu izlozheniiu” [The chronographical part of the full and brief Paley and “The Chronograph for the great presentation”]. Izvestiia otdeleniia russkogo iazyka i slovesnosti, 1906, vol. 11, book 2, pp. 20–61. (In Russian)

96 Kagan M.D., Ponyrko N.V., Rozhdestvenskaia M.V. Opisanie sbornikov XV v. knigopistsa Efrosina [Description of the 15th century`s collections of the scribe Euphrosynus]. Trudu Otdela drevnerusskoi literatury [Researches of the Department of Old Russian literature]. Leningrad, Nauka Publ., 1980, vol. 35, p. 3–300. (In Russian)

97 Kagan-Tarkovskaia M.D. Legenda o d’iavole i Noevom kovchege po drevnerusskim rukopisnym sbornikam [The legend of the devil and Noah’s ark on the Old Russian manuscript collections]. Issledovaniia po drevnei i novoi literature [Researches on old and new literature], ed. by L.A. Dmitriev. Leningrad, Nauka Publ., 1987, pp. 108–110. (In Russian)

98 Kamchatnov A.M. O semanticheskom slovare drevnerusskogo iazyka [About the semantic dictionary of Old Russian language]. Drevniaia Rus’. Voprosy medievistiki, 2000, no 1, pp. 61–65. (In Russian)

99 Kamchatnov A.M. Ob izdanii “Palei Tolkovoi” v istoricheskoi retrospektive i perspective [About the edition of Explanatory Paleia in historical retrospective and perspective]. “Paleia Tolkovaia” v kontekste drevnerusskoi kul’tury XI–XVII vv. Materialy Pervoi mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii [Explanatory Paleia in the context of old culture of the 11th–17th centuries. Materials of the First international scientific conference], ed. by A.N. Uzhankov. Moscow, Soglasie Publ., 2014, pp. 231–237. (In Russian)

100 Kamchatnov A.M. Orfografiia i tekstologiia (zametki na poliakh Tolkovoi Palei) [Spelling and textual criticism (field notes in Explanatory Paleia)]. Chestnomu i groznomu Ivanu Vasil’evichu. K 70-letiiu Ivana Vasil’evicha Levochkina. Sbornik statei [To the honest and formidable Ivan Vasilievich. To the 70th anniversary of Ivan Levochkin. Collection of articles]. Moscow, RFK-Imidzh Lab Publ., 2004, pp. 23–24. (In Russian)

101 Karneev A. K voprosu o vzaimootnosheniiakh Tolkovoi Palei i Zlatoi Matitsy [To the question about the relationship between Explanatory Paleia and Golden Matitsa]. Zhurnal ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniia, 1900, February, pp. 335–366. (In Russian)

102 Kozlova A.Iu. Vklad I.I. Sreznevskogo v issledovanie Tolkovoi Palei [Contribution of I.I. Sreznevsky to the study of Explanatory Paleia]. Dvesti let so dnia rozhdeniia akademika Izmaila Ivanovicha Sreznevskogo: sb. dokladov mezhdunarodnoi internet-konferentsii (Iaroslavl’, 1–31 marta 2012 g.) [Two hundred years since the birth of Academician Izmail Ivanovich Sreznevsky: Sat. reports of the international Internet conference (Yaroslavl, March 1–31, 2012)], ed. by O.V. Lukin. Iaroslavl’, Izd-vo IaGPU Publ., 2012, pp. 152–163. (In Russian)

103 Kozlova A.Iu. Zagadochnye slova “kliushche” i “kliuch’” Tolkovoi Palei [The mysterious words “kliushche” and “kliuch” Explanatory Paleia]. Russkaia rech’, 1994, no 3, pp. 75–80. (In Russian)

104 Kozlova A.Iu. K voprosu o lingvisticheskikh osobennostiakh starshikh spiskov “Tolkovoi Palei” [On the question of linguistic features of the older lists of Explanatory Paleia]. “Paleia Tolkovaia” v kontekste drevnerusskoi kul’tury XI– XVII vv. Materialy Pervoi mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii [Explanatory Paleia in the context of old culture of the 11th–17th centuries, materials of the First international scientific conference], ed. by A.N. Uzhankov. Moscow, Soglasie Publ., 2014, pp. 189–224. (In Russian)

105 Kozlova A.Iu. K voprosu o lingvotekstologicheskikh osobennostiakh starshikh spiskov Tolkovoi Palei (RNB, SPbDA A. 1/119; RGADA, Sin. tip. № 53; RGB. Tr.-Serg. № 38) [To the question of linguotextology the features of the older lists of Explanatory Paleia (NLR, the Spbda A. 1/119; RGADA, SYN. type. No. 53; RSL. Tr.-Serg. No. 38)]. Mezhdunarodnaia filologicheskaia konferentsiia. Sankt- Peterburgskii universitet [International philological conference. St. Petersburg University]. St. Petersburg, 2013. Available at: http://www.conference-spbu.ru/ conference/13/ (Accessed 12 February 2019). (In Russian)

106 Kozlova A.Iu. K voprosu o sud’be odnogo iz sochinenii Aristotelia v knizhnosti Drevnei Rusi [To the question of the fate of one of Aristotle’s works in the bookishness of Old Russia]. Iazyk i kul’tura. Tret’ia mezhdunarodnaia konferentsiia. Tezisy dokladov [Language and culture. Third international conference. Thesis of reports]. Kiev, Izd-vo zhurnala “Collegium” Publ., 1994, pp. 26–27. (In Russian)

107 Kozlova A.Iu. Kolomenskii skriptorii XV v. (K voprosu o nekotorykh osobennostiakh iazyka i orfografii Kolomenskogo spiska Tolkovoi Palei) [Kolomensky scriptorium of the 15th century (To the question about some of the peculiarities of language and orthography of the Kolomna list of Explanatory Paleia)]. Materialy dlia entsiklopedii “Kolomenskii krai” [Materials for the encyclopedia “Kolomenskiy region”]. Kolomna, KPI Publ., 1997, issues 3–4, pp. 13–19. (In Russian)

108 Kozlova A.Iu. Kolomenskii spisok Tolkovoi Palei kak leksikograficheskii istochnik [Kolomensky list of Explanatory Paleia as a lexicographic source]. Slovarnoe nasledie V.P. Zhukova i puti razvitiia russkoi i obshchei leksikografii [Dictionary heritage of V.P. Zhukov and ways of development of Russian and General lexicography]. Velikii Novgorod, NovGU Publ., 2004, pp. 396–398. (In Russian)

109 Kozlova A.Iu. Kolomenskii spisok Tolkovoi Palei 1406 g. kak lingvisticheskii istochnik [Kolomensky list of Explanatory Paleia of 1406 as a linguistic source: PhD thesis, summary]. Kolomna, 2007. (In Russian)

110 Kozlova A.Iu. Leksicheskie edinitsy, ispol’zuemye dlia oboznacheniia Vysshikh sil, v kolomenskom spiske Tolkovoi Palei 1406 goda [Lexical units used to refer to Higher powers in the Kolomna list of Explanatory Paleia of 1406]. Kolomna i Kolomenskaia zemlia: istoriia i kul’tura. Sbornik statei [Kolomna and Kolomna land: history and culture. Collection of articles], eds. by A.G. Mel’nik, S.V. Sazonov. Kolomna, Izd. dom “Liga” Publ, 2009, pp. 105–117. (In Russian)

111 Kozlova A.Iu. Leksicheskii sostav spiska Kolomenskogo spiska Tolkovoi Palei 1406 g. [Kolomna list`s vocabulary of Explanatory Paleia of 1406]. Vladimir Dal’ i sovremennaia filologiia: Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii 22–23 noiabria 2001 g. [Vladimir Dahl and modern philology: Proceedings of the international scientific conference November 22–23, 2001]. Nizhnii Novgorod, NGLU im. N.A. Dobroliubova Publ., 2001, pp. 180–183. (In Russian)

112 Kozlova A.Iu. Neslavianskaia leksika v Kolomenskom spiske Tolkovoi Palei 1406 g. [Non-Slavic vocabulary in the Kolomna list of Explanatory Paleia of 1406]. Iazyk i mezhkul’turnaia kommunikatsiia. Materialy Vtoroi mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoprakticheskoi konferentsii. Velikii Novgorod, 19–20 maia 2011 [Language and intercultural communication. Materials of the Second international scientificpractical conference. Veliky Novgorod, 19–20 may 2011], ed. by O.A. Aleksandrova, E.F. Zhukova. Velikii Novgorod, NovGU Publ., 2011, pp. 77–85. (In Russian)

113 Kozlova A.Iu. O nekotorykh osobennostiakh peredachi “Shestodneva” Ioanna ekzarkha Bolgarskogo v raznykh spiskakh Palei Tolkovoi redaktsii [About some peculiarities of transmission “Hexaemeron” by John Bulgarian Exarch in different lists Explanatory Paleia’s edition]. Russkoe slovo v istoricheskom razvitii (XIV–XIX veka). Vyp. 4: Materialy sektsii «Istoricheskaia leksikologiia i leksikografiia» XXXVII Mezhdunarodnoi filologicheskoi konferentsii. 11–15 marta 2008 g. [Russian word in historical development (14th–19th centuries). Issue 4: Proceedings of the section “Historical lexicology and lexicography” 37th International philological conference. 11–15 March 2008], eds. by S.Sv. Volkov, O.S. Mzhel’skaia. St. Petersburg, Nestor-Istoriia Publ., 2009, pp. 50–57. (In Russian)

114 Kozlova A.Iu. O nekotorykh osobennostiakh iazykovoi lichnosti redaktorasostavitelia Tolkovoi Palei [Some peculiarities of language personality of the editor-compiler of the Explanatory Paleia]. Aktual’nye voprosy izucheniia dukhovnoi kul’tury. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii “Slavianskaia kul’tura: istoki, traditsii, vzaimodeistvie. XII Kirillo-Mefodievskie chteniia” (17 maia 2011 g.) [Topical issues of the study of spiritual culture. Materials of the scientific and practical International conference “Slavic culture: origins, traditions, interaction. 12th Cyril and Methodius readings” (may 17, 2011)]. Moscow, Iaroslavl’, 2011. (In Russian)

115 Kozlova A.Iu. Osobennosti peredachi traktata Aristotelia “Historia animalium” v drevneishikh spiskakh Tolkovoi Palei [Features of transfer of Aristotle’s treatise “Historia animalium” in the most old lists of Explanatory Paleia]. Mezhdunarodnaia kommunikatsiia v sovremennom mire. Materialy pervoi mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii [International communication in the modern world. Materials of the first international scientific conference].Tver’, 2005, pp. 225–230. (In Russian)

116 Kozlova A.Iu. Otrazhenie kategorii odushevlennosti v Kolomenskom spiske Tolkovoi Palei 1406 g. [Reflection of a category of animation in the Kolomna list of Explanatory Paleia of 1406]. Grammaticheskie kategorii i edinitsy: sintagmaticheskii aspekt. Materialy shestoi mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii [Grammatical categories and units: syntagmatic aspect. Proceedings of the sixth international conference]. Vladimir, VGPU Publ., 2005, pp. 83–86. (In Russian)

117 Kozlova A.Iu. Paleia Tolkovaia nachala XV veka iz Kolomny [Explanatory Paleia in beginning of the 15th century from Kolomna]. Vestnik Kolomenskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo instituta, 2007, no 1 (12), pp. 21–32. (In Russian)

118 Kozlova A.Iu. Rol’ lingvisticheskikh dannykh v issledovanii istorii teksta Tolkovoi Palei [The Role of linguistic data in the study of the history of the text of Explanatory Paleia]. Russkii iazyk: istoricheskie sud’by i sovremennost’. III Mezhdunarodnyi kongress issledovatelei russkogo iazyka (Moskva, MGU im. M.V. Lomonosova, filologicheskii fakul’tet, 20–23 marta 2007 g: Trudy i materialy [Russian language: its historical destiny and present state. 3rd international Congress of Russian language researchers (Moscow, MSU M. V. Lomonosova, faculty of Philology, March 20–23, 2007: Proceedings and materials). Moscow, MAKS Press Publ., 2007, pp. 64–65. (In Russian)

119 Kozlova A.Iu. Svedeniia o 12-letnem vostochnom kalendare v “Tolkovoi Palee” [Information about the 12-year Eastern calendar in Explanatory Paleia]. Vspomogatel’nye istoricheskie distsipliny v sovremennom nauchnom znanii. Materialy XXIX mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii. Moskva, 13–15 aprelia 2017 goda [Auxiliary historical disciplines in modern scientific knowledge. Proceedings of the 29th international scientific conference. Moscow, April 13–15, 2017]. Moscow, IVI RAN Publ., 2017, pp. 183–185. (In Russian)

120 Kozlova A.Iu. Tolkovaia Paleia kak leksikologicheskii i leksikograficheskii istochnik [Explanatory Paleia as a lexicological and lexicographic source]. Aktual’nye problemy funktsional’noi leksikologii. Sb. statei, posviashch. 75-letiiu d-ra filolog. nauk, prof. V.V. Stepanovoi [Actual problems of functional lexicology. Collection of articles dedicated to the 75th anniversary of doctor of Philology, Professor V.V. Stepanova]. St. Petersburg, Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburgskogo un-ta ekonomiki i finansov Publ., 1997, pp. 53–56. (In Russian)

121 Kozlova A.Iu. Tolkovaia Paleia — entsiklopediia srednevekovogo cheloveka [Explanatory Paleia — encyclopedia of medieval man]. Apostol. Tserkovno kul’turnyi zhurnal [Apostle. Church-cultural magazine]. Kolomna, Izdanie tserkvi apostola Ioanna Bogoslova Publ., 2009, no 1, pp. 14–15. (In Russian)

122 Kozlova A.Iu. “Trudnye” slova v tekstakh i slovariakh [“Difficult” words in texts and dictionaries]. Germenevtika drevnerusskoi literatury [Hermeneutics of Old Russian literature]. Moscow, Tip. “Neftianik”, 1994, issue 6, part II, ed. by V.M. Kirillin, pp. 342–357. (In Russian)

123 Kosmologicheskie proizvedeniia v knizhnosti Drevnei Rusi. Сhast’ II: Teksty ploskostno-komarnoi traditsii [Cosmological works in the literature of Old Russia. Part II: Texts of the plane-mosquito tradition], eds. by V.V. Mil’kov, S.M. Polianskii. St. Petersburg, Izd. dom “Mir” Publ., 2009. 623 p. (In Russian)

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126 Kuskov V.V. Istoriia drevnerusskoi literatury [History of Old Russian literature]. Moscow, Vysshaia shkola Publ., 1989. 800 p. (In Russian)

127 Leonid, arkhimandrit. Bibliograficheskie razyskaniia v oblasti drevneishego perioda slavianskoi pis’mennosti IX–X vv. [Bibliographical researches in the earliest period of Slavonic literature of the 9th–10th centuries]. Chteniia v Imperatorskom obshchestve istorii i drevnostei Rossiiskikh pri Moskovskom universitete [Read in the Imperial society of history and Russian antiquities under the Moscow University], 1890, book 3, pp. 1–28. (In Russian)

128 Leonid, arkhimandrit. Chetyre besedy Kesariia, ili voprosy sviatogo Sil’vestra i otvety prepodobnogo Antoniia [The four discourses of Caesarea, or the questions of St. Sylvester and the answers of St. Anthony]. Obshchestvo liubitelei drevnei pis’mennosti [Society of lovers of old writing]. Moscow, 1890. Vol. 95. 20 p. (In Russian)

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131 Likhachev D.S. Kommentarii k “Povesti vremennykh let” [Comments to “The Tale of bygone years”]. Povest’ Vremennykh let [The Tale of Bygone years]. Moscow, Leningrad, Iz-vo AN SSSR Publ., 1950. Part 2. 556 p. (In Russian)

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142 Miltenov Ia. Dialozite na Psevdo-Kesarii v slavianskata r”kopisna traditsiia [Dialogues are Pseudo-Caesarea in the Slavic manuscript tradition]. Sofiia, Avalon Publ., 2006. 600 p. (In Bulgarian)

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145 Mil’kov V.V. Kartina mira v Palee Tolkovoi [Picture of the world in Paley explanatory]. Vestnik slavianskikh kul’tur, 2016, no 3 (41), pp. 7–23. (In Russian)

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147 Mil’kov V.V. Osobennosti transliatsii estestvennonauchnykh svedenii antichnogo proiskhozhdeniia v “Tolkovuiu Paleiu” [Features of the translation of natural science information of ancient origin in the “Explanatory Palea”]. Vspomogatel’nye istoricheskie distsipliny v sovremennom nauchnom znanii. Materialy XXIX mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii. Moskva, 13–15 aprelia 2017 goda [Auxiliary historical disciplines in modern scientific knowledge. Proceedings of the 29th international scientific conference. Moscow, April 13–15, 2017]. Moscow, IVI RAN Publ., 2017, pp. 237–239. (In Russian)

148 Mil’kov V.V. Paleinaia antropologiia i ee istochniki [Anthropology of Paley and its sources]. Istoriia filosofii [The history of philosophy]. Moscow, IFRAN Publ., 2014, no. 19, pp. 21–36. (In Russian)

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150 Mil’kov V.V. Paleia Tolkovaia i ee religiozno-filosofskie osobennosti (O rasshirenii problemnogo polia pamiatnika v svete traditsii ego izucheniia) [Explanatory Paleia and its religious and philosophical features (on the expansion of the problem field of the monument in the light of the tradition of its study)]. Sud’ba Rossii v sovremennoi istoriografii. Sbornik nauchnykh statei pamiati doktora istoricheskikh nauk, professora A.G. Kuz’mina [The fate of Russia in modern historiography. Collection of scientific articles in memory of doctor of historical sciences, professor A.G. Kuzmin], ed. by V.L. Matrosov. Moscow, Prometei Publ., 2006, pp. 490–501. (In Russian)

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153 Mikhailov A.V. K voprosu o proiskhozhdenii i literaturnykh istochnikakh Tolkovoi Palei [To the question of the origin and literary sources of Explanatory Paleia]. Izvestiia otdeleniia russkogo iazyka i slovesnosti, 1928, vol. 1, book 1, pp. 49–80. (In Russian)

154 Mikhailov A.V. K voprosu o tekste knigi Bytiia i proroka Moiseia v Tolkovoi Palee [To the question of the text of Genesis and the prophet Moses in Explanatory Paleia]. Varshavskie universitetskie izvestiia, 1895, no 9, pp. 1–35. (In Russian)

155 Mikhailov A.V. K voprosu o tekste knigi Bytiia i proroka Moiseia v Tolkovoi Palee [To the question of the text of Genesis and the prophet Moses in Explanatory Paleia]. Varshavskie universitetskie izvestiia, 1896, no 1, pp. 1–23. (In Russian)

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163 Ostrovskii A. “Iosif Prekrasnyi”: ot snovidtsa k mucheniku [“Joseph the Beautiful”: from the dreamer to the Martyr]. Ot Bytiia k Iskhodu. Otrazhenie bibleiskikh siuzhetov v slavianskoi i evreiskoi narodnoi kul’ture [From Genesis to Exodus. Reflection of biblical stories in Slavic and Jewish folk culture]. Moscow, GEOS Publ., 1998, pp. 181–192. (In Russian)

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167 Panaiotov V.B. Apokrif “Zavety dvenadtsati patriarkhov” v kontekste Tolkovoi Palei [The apocryphal “Testaments of the twelve patriarchs” in the context of Explanatory Paleia: PhD thesis, summary]. Moscow, 1986. (In Russian)

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