PhD in Philology,
Senior Researcher, Department of Old Slavic Literatures, IWL RAS
2007–2012 – Seminary of the Moscow Theological Academy (Sergiev Posad).
2012–2014 – Master's degree at the Moscow Theological Academy
2014–2018 – Postgraduate studies at the Moscow Theological Academy
2018 – bachelor's degree from the Moscow Theological Academy (external, state standard)
2020 – master's degree at the Moscow Theological Academy (external, state standard)
2020–2023 – postgraduate study at IWL RAS
PhD thesis: "The hymnography of Prince Simeon Shakhovskоy: ideological and substantive specifics and artistic features".
Research interests: poetics and hermeneutics of ancient Russian literature, hymnography of the XVI-XVII centuries, comparative studies, hagiography, church history, theology
Scientific and organizational activity
2018–2021 – Scientific secretary of the department of philology of the Moscow Theological Academy
Selected Publications
- Some features of “Home Notes” of Prince Simeon Shakhovskoy as a document of autobiographical character. INITIUM. Collection of scientific works, 2024, no. 7, pp. 62–66.
- Personal among the Typical (The history of one verse Prayer of prince Simeon Shakhovskoy). Word and Image: Journal of the Department of Philology, MPDA, 2024, no. 2 (7), pp. 286–298.
- “Prayer of the Patriarch” by Prince Shakhovskoy: preliminary observations. Modern Humanities Success, 2023, no. 4, pp. 65–68.
- Stylistic way of argumentation in the “Praying zelo umilinem...” by Prince Simeon Shakhovskoy. Vestnik philologicheskikh nauk, 2023, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 160–166.
- Toward the importance of a comprehensive study of the literary work of Prince Simeon Shakhovskoy: hymnographic works. Russian Linguistic Bulletin, 2023, no. 4 (40). ISSN: 2618-7175.
- About the little-known third canon to the three saints of Moscow. Modern Humanities Success, 2023, no. 4, pp. 146–149.
- Testimonies of Gregory of Tours about the liturgical life of the Church of Gaul: Toward the Study of the Question. Church and Time, 2023, vol. CII, pp. 93–109.
- Autobiographical factor of the genre system of Simeon Shakhovskоy's works. INITIUM. Collection of scientific works, 2023, no. 6, pp. 29–32.
- “Prince Simeon Shakhovskaya in the Russian North”. To the study of the creative biography of the writer. Ryabininskie readings. Materials of the IX conference on the study and actualization of traditional culture of the Russian North, 2023, pp. 43–45.
- “Negative” miracles of St. Gregory of Tours in the context of the question about the author's intention of the corpus Libri miraculorum (on the example of the books “De gloria martyrum” and “De gloria confessorum”) // Church and Time, 2021, vol. XCVII, pp. 113–137.
- History of the study and issues of attribution of two hagiographic stories of St. Gregory of Tours. Church and Time, 2020, vol. XC, pp. 79–98.
- Commented translation of Gregory of Tours “Liber De Gloria martyrum” [Electronic resource]:
- Commented translation of Gregory of Tours “De Gloria confessorum» [Electronic resource]:
Teaching activities
2018– Lecturer at the Moscow Theological Academy (Bachelor's degree, Master's degree profiles: Patrology and Christian Literature, Pastorology and Liturgics, Russian Spiritual Literature).