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Author: A. V. Bogatyrev
Information about the author:

Arseniy V. Bogatyrev — PhD in Historical Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Volga Orthodox Institute, Yubilejnaya 59, 445028 Togliatti, Russia.

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DOI: 10.22455/978-5-9208-0610-9-66-103
Keywords: V.M. Tyapkin, Jan III Sobieski, electoral surrender, translation activity in the 17th century, criticism of a historical source.
Date of publication: March 05, 2020

Abstract: Attention is concentrated on the Russian translation of the “oath” of the Polish king Jan III (1674), which significantly differs in volume and individual points from the original written in Polish with a touch of Latin. In their work, the translator / translators used the method of transliteration, and also resorted to a more complex selection of words that are meaningful. Some of the proposed options for translating Latin language units coincide with the interpretation of similar expressions in the “Latin Lexicon” by E. Slavinetsky. At the same time, the authors of the Russian “translation” of the contractual articles of Jan III are clearly not limited only by the scope of this dictionary; they offer their own versions of translating tokens that did not fall into the Lexicon of E. Slavinetsky.


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