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Author: Vladimir  M.  Kirillin 
Information about the author:

Vladimir  M.  Kirillin  —  DSc  in  Philology,  Leading  Research  Fellow,  Professor,  A.M.  Gorky  Institute  of  World  Literature  of  the Russian  Academy  of  Sciences,  Povarskaya  25 а,  121069  Moscow,  Russia.

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For citation:

Kirillin V. M. Panegyric to the intercession of the most holy Mother of God by Anonymous Old Russian orator: text, translation and commentaries. Hermeneutics of Old Russian literature: Issue 18 / А.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences; ex. ed. О.A. Tufanova. Мoscow,  Berlin, Directmedia Publishing, 2019, pp. 370–412.
DOI: 10.23681/500016 (In Russ.)

DOI: 10.23681/500016
Keywords: eulogy, lives of the Saints, eloquence, ”weaving of the words”, the origin; initials, handwriting style, diacritics, spepunctuation; Mother of God, Blessed Andrew, Blahernai, biblical typology, iconographic plot, theological reflection, the Beatitudes.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the scientific publication of a little known and understudied monument of the Old Russian eloquence. It contains archaeographical, historical and literary data on the monument and its manuscript copies, paleographic and archaeographical characteristic of the published monument of 16th century. The Church Slavonic text of the monument is reproduced literally and with discrepancies according to the Great Menaion reader`s edition of the 19th century, while the author's translation into Russian is supplied with detailed culturological comments.