Hermeneutics of Old Russian Literature: Issue 11

Society of Researchers of Old Russia; ex. ed. M.Yu. Ljustrov. Moscow, Yazyki slavyanskoi kul'tury Publ., Progress-tradiciia, 2004. 912 p. (In Russ.)
Demin A.S. |
From the History of Old Russian Literary Creativity of the 11th – 17thCenturies |
P. 9–131 |
Bakhtina O.N. |
Old Believer Literature in the Context of the Christian Tradition of the Word Understanding |
P. 132–152 |
Mendeleeva D.S. |
P. 153–172 |
ChernyV.D. |
Visible Images of the Word |
P. 173–201 |
Simonov R.A. |
The Literature of Old Russia in the Calendar-Mathematical and Sacred Contexts |
P. 202–267 |
LjustrovM.Yu. |
Swedish-Russian Literary Connections in the First Half of the 18th Century |
P. 268–280 |
Gladkova O.V. |
P. 281–320 |
Korobeynikova L.N. |
On the Plot of The Life of Galaktion and Epistimia |
P. 321–350 |
Korobeynikova L.N. |
The History of the Text The Life of Galaktion and Epistemia: Preliminary Observations |
P. 351–366 |
Ranchin A.M. |
From Observations of the Spatial Structure in the Legends of the Kiev PecherskPatericon |
P. 367–379 |
Chivardi A. |
The Impact of Zywotowswietych on Menaion Reader: |
P. 380–392 |
Kirillin V.M. |
The Tale of the Novgorod White Hood: the Time of Origin and the Ratio of the First Editions |
P. 393–437 |
Marello T.V. |
Makaryev-Unzhensky Monastery in the Girst Half of the 18thCentury: |
P. 438–470 |
Shamin S.M. |
The Legend of the Saint-Stone Melt in the Russian Literary and Folk Tradition |
P. 471–479 |
Schegoleva L.I. |
On the Symbolism of Numbers in the Greek Text of the Gospel of John |
P. 483–504 |
Shaykin A.A. |
P. 505–525 |
Nikitin A.L. |
P. 526–557 |
Trofimova N.V. |
P. 558–590 |
ErusalimskyK.Yu. |
How is Made History by A.M. Kurbsky: Problems of the Text Chronology |
P. 591–618 |
Gorsky A.A. |
P. 621–646 |
Nikitin A.L. |
TheTaleofIgor’sCampaignin the Context of the Study |
P. 647–668 |
ZelenokorennyA.M. |
P. 669–682 |
Marello T.V., Dergacheva I.V. |
Some Philosophical Aspects of the Epistle of Paradise by Basil Kalikato Theodore the Good |
P. 685–700 |
Kuzmin A.V. |
Surnames That Lost Princely Title in the 14th – the First Third of the 15thCenturyies. |
P. 701–783 |
Filyushkin A.I. |
P. 784–801 |
Dubovik V.V. |
On the Peculiarities of Citation in the Texts of TimofeyAkindinov |
P. 802–827 |
Kardanova N.B. |
Charter of Tsar Aleksey Mikhailovichand its Modern Translation into Italian |
P. 828–865 |
Reshetova A.A. |
To the Author Problem and to the Time of Creation |
P. 869–886 |
Velikhanly (Jafarov) T.G. |
Russian-Turkish Contacts in the Description of Russian Ambassadorial Stories |
P. 887–893 |
Revelli D. |
Literary Sources of the Russian Pamela by P. Lvov: Some Observations |
P. 894–907 |