DSc in Philology
Corresponding member of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts
Head of the Institute of Language and Literature of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts
Professor, University of Montenegro (Podgorica, Montenegro)
graduated from the Philology Department of the University of Belgrade with Master’s and Doctor’s degrees (Serbia)
Research interests: history of drama and theater, theory of drama, author’s poetics, cinema, intertextuality, Slavic culture and literature.
Professional Service
Permanent researcher of the IWL RAS on the project Literary Relationships of Russia in the 18th–19th Centuries: Based on the Materials from Russian and Foreign Archives
Member of the Editorial Boards of the complete publication of the Njegoš’s works, the Dictionary of the Montenegrin folk and literary language
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Vestnik slavianskikh kul’tur (Moscow)
Member of the international Editorial Board of the online journal Artos about science, art and culture of the Academy of Arts in Osijek (Croatia)
Organizer of cooperation of the University of Montenegro with the Russian Institute of Theatre Arts – GITIS (Moscow)
Corresponding Member of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts (2018)
Academic publications — over 140, including 5 monographs.
Selected publications
- Understanding the Puppet: Essays on Finding the Archetype. Novi Sad, Pozorišni muzej Vojvodine, 2017. 236 p. (In Serbian)
- The Fall of Prometheus – Intertextuality: Drama, Theater, Cinema. Cetinje, Fakultet dramskih umjetnosti, 2007. 233 p. (In Serbian)
- Poetic Forms. Novi Sad, “Zmaj,” 2002. 421 p. (In Serbian)
- Text and Intertext. Prištin, Novi Svet-Narodna biblioteka, 1999. (In Serbian)
- Ut pictura poesis: Literature and Painting by Đura Jakšić. Priština, Novi Svet, 1996. 328 p. (In Serbian)
Selected Essays
“Round table: culture and models of reconciliation”. Cyrillic 2023: Monograph: VII Literary Festival. Budva; Podgorica: National Library of Budva; Makarije Press, 2024, pp. 57–66.
Adult Education and the Question of Existential Meaning (Ten Theses for a Critical Approach). Intellectuals and Intellectuals in the Space of University Tradition: Proceedings of the XXXIV International Scientific and Theoretical Conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Ivanovo State University. Ivanovo, September 19–20, 2024. Ivanovo: Ivan. State University Publ., 2024, pp. 5–13.
Who is an intellectual? About the definition of the concept. Intelligentsia and Intellectuals: Controversial Issues of Study: Proceedings of the XXXIII International Scientific and Theoretical Conference, Ivanovo, September 28–29, 2023. Ivanovo: Ivan. State University Publ., 2023, pp. 20–26.
Poetika of Drama / Poetika of Directing: Intertextuality of Budva trilogy Vida Ognjenović. Serbian writers and Serbian Theatre from the first World War to the end of the XX century. Belgrade; Sasa, pp. 163–177.
Poetics of Dogma / Poetics of Heresy: Two Prayers of Ivan Negrishorets. Poetry is eternal birth and death: collection of works on poetry by Ivan Negrišorac. Novi Sad: Grupa sever Foundation; Plužine: Center for Culture, 2022, pp. 38–48.
Water and Home: Semantics of Symbols in the Solaris of Andrei Tarkovskogo. Glasnik of the Department of humanistic Sciences. 2022. Book 8, pp. 5–22.
How to understand Russian culture. Philosophy of economy. Almanac of the Center for Social Sciences and Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State University. Special issue. 2021, May, pp. 173–177.
Solzhenitsyn-historiography and metaphysics. Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and arts: Gazette of the Department of Humanities, 2020, no. 6, pp. 101–116.
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: an Intertextual Reading. Proceedings of the XVI International Scientific Conference “Icon in Russian Literature and Culture” dedicated to the 75th anniversary of DSc of Philology, Prof. V.V. Lepakhin, March 26-28, 2020. Moscow, pp. 450–476.
- “Culture as Intertext Notes to the Problem of Reception of Semantic Models.” Folia Linguistica et Litteraria, issue 23, 2018, pp. 61–70. (In English)
- “Puppet like Opera Aperta or Yurkovsky’s Encyclopedia.” U: Jurkovskom u čast: Zbornik radova, Novi Sad: Pozorišni muzej Vojvodine. Subotica, Međunarodni festival pozorišta za decu, Subotica, Otvoreni univerzitet, 2016, pp. 19–29. (In Serbian)
- “Njegoš and Derzhavin: Intertextual Hermeneutics.” Literary Relationships of Russia in the 18th–19th Centuries: Based on the Materials from Russian and Foreign Archives. Мoscow, IWL RAS Publ., 2015, pp. 142–156. (In Russ.)
- “Christianity and Laugh: the Controversy of the Approach to N.V. Gogol Interpretation.” Vestnik slavianskikh kul’tur, no. 4 (34), 2014, pp. 53–70. (In Russ.)
- “Poems of Njegoš - Dedication to Pushkin as a Metaphysical Text.” U: Rusija i Balkan, Podgorica / Moskva, 2012, pp. 489–495. (In Russ.)
- “Electronic/Android Puppet and Theatre Play for Children: Afirmation or Negation of Meaning.” A Collection of Papers. Subotica, vol. VI, 2012, pp. 23–35. (In English)
- “Nihilism and Meaning: Pedagogic Significance of Antoine de Saint – Exipery’s ‘The Little Prince’.” A Collection of Papers. Subotica, vol. V, 2012, pp. 205–215. (In English)
- “Text and Context: Nihilism and Christianity in ‘Tifusari’ by J. Kastelan.” Podgorica, Crnogorska akademija nauka i umjetnosti. 2012, pp. [39]–46. (In Serbian)
- “The Ontology of Play: Aesthetic or Psychology Contoversies Related to the Term ‘Puppet
- Theatre for Children’.”A Collection of Papers. Subotica, vol. II, 2011, pp. 25–33. (In English)
- “The Ontology of the Puppet.” A Collection of Papers. Subotica, vol. I, 2010, pp. 113–120. (In English)
Full list of works in the author’s profile on https://www.ucg.ac.me/objava/blog/16472/objava/1
Professor of the Department of Dramatic Arts in Cetinje (Montenegro), lecture courses History and Theory of Drama and Theater, Author’s Poetics, Dramatology, Methodology of Scientific Work.
From 1999/2000 to 2012 – as a visiting Professor of the Philosophy Department in Nikšić, Montenegro, lecture courses Medieval Literature, Literary Theory I, II, Introduction to Literary Theory, Literature and Cinema, Interpretation of Fiction Text.
From 1999 to 2007 – Professor of the Philosophy Department of the East Sarajevo University (Serbia) on the subject History and Theory of World Drama and Theater I, II.