Professor of Russian at Uppsala University (Sweden)
1991 doctoral degree in Slavic languages at Uppsala University
1995 appointed Associate Professor of Slavic languages at Uppsala University
Research interests: Early Modern history, Russian linguistics, Muscovite Russia, history of the Russian language and literature, 17th century Russian theater, translation technique of Medieval Slavic literature
Professional Service
1989–1995 – Editor of the Slavic Department’s journal Slovo
1993 – Editor of the monograph series Studia Slavica Upsaliensia
1996 – Russian Historical Dictionary for the 11th–17th centuries, Moscow (responsible for parallels in quotations from Western European languages)
1999 – 2002 – Leader of an international research group “The history of verbal government in Russian”
1999 – 2017 – Participation in the research and editorial project “Vesti-Kuranty,” since 2004 leader of the international project (together with A.M. Moldovan, later V.B. Krys ́ko, Moscow)
Academic publications — over 100, including 6 monographs.
Selected publications
- (with S.M. Shamin, A.V. Kuznecova, I.A. Kornilaeva, V.B. Krys ́ko) Vesti-Kuranty 1671–1672. Ed. By V.B. Krys’ko and Ingrid Maier .[Text edition; continuation of No. 4]. Moscow, Azbukovnik Publ., 2017. 806 p. (In Russ.)
- (with Claudia Jensen) Court Theater in Russia in the 17th Century. New Sources. Moscow, Indrik Publ., 2016. 200 p. (In Russ.)
- Vesti-Kuranty 1656 g., 1660–1662 gg., 1664–1670 gg. Čast’ 1: Russkie teksty [Russian Texts]. Ed. by A. M. Moldovan and Ingrid Maier. Moscow, Rukopisnye pamiatniki Drevnei Rusi Publ., 2009. 856 p. [Text edition, co-authored and co-edited: newspaper translations (kuranty) made during the 1660s; result of an international research project] (In Russ.)
- Vesti-Kuranty 1656 g., 1660–1662 gg., 1664–1670 gg. Čast’ 2: Inostrannye originaly k russkim tekstam [Foreign Originals to Russian Texts.]. Issledovanie i podgotovka tekstov Ingrid Maier, Moscow, Rukopisnye pamiatniki Drevnei Rusi Publ., 2008. 648 + 52 pp. [Introduction about newspaper translations from West-European languages intoRussian during the 17thc. (243 pp.); translation study: about 600 originals to newspaper translations (kuranty) found by me in about 30 archives are compared with the translations] (In Russ.)
- Verbalrektion in den “Vesti-Kuranty” (1600–1660): Teil 2: Die präpositionale Rektion. Studia Slavica Upsaliensia. Uppsala, 2006. 466 p. (In German)
- Verbalrektion in den “Vesti-Kuranty” (1600–1660): Eine historisch-philologische Untersuchung zur mittelrussischen Syntax. Studia Slavica Upsaliensia. Uppsala, 1997. 308 p. (In German)
Selected Essays
- A Unique Copy of Alphabetum Russarum, Printed in Stockholm by Peter van Selow. Scando-Slavica, vol. 69, issue 2, 2023, pp. 322–340. https://doi.org/10.1080/00806765.2023.2270944
- “A Latin Poem Translated into Russian in 1670: A Panegyric in Praise of King Louis XIII from Antoine de Pluvinel’s Book Maneige Royal.” Slověne, vol. 10, № 1, 2021, pp. 296–321. (Co-authored with Jansson O., Rusakovskiy O.V.)
- “Försökte ryske residenten furst Andrej Chilkov fly ur svensk fångenskap under det Stora nordiska kriget?” Slovo: Journal of Slavic Languages, Literatures and Cultures, vol. 61, 2020, p. 7–37. (In Swedish)
- “Languages and Translators: on the Life and Work of Ivan Tyazhkogorskii, one of the Ambassadorial Chancery's Greatest Polyglots.” Drevniaia Rus'. Voprosy medievistiki, no. 4 (78), 2019, pp. 62–81. (In Russ.)
- (with Heiko Droste) “Christoff Koch (1637–1711) — Sweden’s Man in Moscow.” Travelling Chronicles: News and Newspapers from the Early Modern Period to the Eighteenth Century, ed. by Siv Gøril Brandtzæg, Paul Goring and Christine Watson. Leiden, Boston, Brill, 2018, pp. 119–139. (In English)
- “How was Western Europe Informed about Muscovy? The Razin Rebellion in Focus.” Information and Mechanisms of Communication in Russia 1600-1850. Ed. By Simon Franklin and Katherine Bowers. Cambridge, Open Book Publishers, 2017, pp. 113–151. (In English)
- (with Daniel C. Waugh) “Muscovy and the European Information Revolution: Creating the Mechanisms for Obtaining Foreign News.” Information and Mechanisms of Communication in Russia 1600-1850. Ed. By Simon Franklin and Katherine Bowers. Cambridge, Open Book Publishers, 2017, pp. 77–112. (In English)
- (with S. Shamin) “Straßburger Mummenschanz im russischen Pleskau im Jahre 1644? Eine deutsche Schaustellertruppe versucht ihr Glück im Zarenreich.” Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, vol. 64, no. 1, 2016. S. 1–25. (In German)
- (with W. Schumacher:) “Eine Straßburger Artistenfamilie auf Europatournee: Zum Werdegang des Seiltänzers Simon Dannenfels in der ersten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts.” In: Zeitschrift für Geschichte des Oberrheins, vol. 164, 2016. S. 245–256. (In German)
- (with Daniel C. Waugh) “'The Blowing of the Messiah’s Trumpet': Reports about Sabbatai Sevi and Jewish Unrest in 1665–1667.” The Dissemination of News and the Emergence of Contemporaneity in Early Modern Europe (ed. Brendan Dooley). Farnham, Surrey, Ashgate, 2010, pp. 137–152. (In English)
- (with W. Pilger) “Second-hand Translation for Tsar Aleksej Mixajlovich — a Glimpse into the Newspaper Workshop at Posol’skij Prikaz.” Russian Linguistics 25, no. 2 (200), pp. 209–242. (In English).
Full list of works in the author’s profile on Academia.edu: https://uppsala.academia.edu/IngridMaier
1987–1991 – Postgraduate research position and temporary appointments as a lecturer of Russian, Uppsala University.
1992–1996 – Research assistant in Slavic languages, Uppsala University.
1997–2000 – University lecturer of Russian, Uppsala University.
2000 – Full professor of Russian, Uppsala University.
2005–2010 – Research fellow at the Royal Academy of Letters, History and Antiquitie.