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Author: V. M. Kirillin
Information about the author:

Vladimir M. Kirillin — DSc in Philology, Director of Research, A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Povarskaya 25 a, 121069 Moscow, Russia.

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DOI: 10.22455/978-5-9208-0610-9-285-370
Keywords: image, panegyric, life, chronicle, commendable passage, epithet, naming, retrospective analogy, likening, biblical characters, Emperor Constantine, Jerusalem, Kiev, spiritual, political continuity.
Date of publication: March 05, 2020

Abstract: The article considers the process of development of views on the personality and deeds of the great Prince of Kiev Vladimir Svyatoslavich as the Baptist of Russia and its heavenly patron. The material for the analysis of the author are not investigated until now different fragments of reflexive properties, which permeate and complement the fact of Sermon about the law and grace of Metropolitan Hilarion, Memory and praise by Jacob Mnich, The Tale of Bygone Years, Reading about Boris and Gleb Nestor Chronicler, different versions of the literary life of Vladimir. First of all, the texts of the 11th — early 12th century demonstrate the process of noticeable development in Russian literature of ideological and at the same time figuratively and iconologically expressed ideas about Vladimir Svyatoslavich. As it turned out, revealed in the works of the first praisers of the Prince ideologems at the time reflected the gradual spread and strengthening of his national veneration as an ideal statesman and organizer of Christian life in Russia and, accordingly, correlated with different cultural trends-namely, with the ideas characteristic of the pictorial typology of purely ecclesiastical properties, and with common everyday poetic views. Apparently, Hilarion was closer to the first, Jacob-to the second, while the author of the chronicle praises of Vladimir and Nestor in the Reading about Boris and Gleb were less definite in their axiological attitudes and approaches, mixing official and popular views. The later, hagiographic, panegyric attestations of Vladimir Svyatoslavich are already steadily focused on his Holiness and heavenly service to Russia. Formed from 12th to 15th century within the framework of the biography of panegyric reflection on the great Prince of Kiev, who transformed Russia, developing old themes (Vladimir-subverter of pagan foundations, Baptist of Russia, educator of the people, Prince equal to the apostles, the ideal organizer of life within the State and the Church, heavenly intercessor and patron Saint of the Russian land), found new verbal shells and new visual nuances in the interpretation of his personality and deeds.


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122 Ovchinnikov G.K. Zagadka “Slova o Zakone i Blagodati” Ilariona Kievskogo [The mystery of The Sermon on Law and Grace by Ilarion of Kyiv]. Vestnik Mosk. gos. industr. un-ta. Ser. Gumanit. Nauki, 2003, no 1, pp. 154–169. (In Russian)

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